Economic & Financial Modelling
At Uzenzele, we believe that every plan must be result-driven and clearly support the business’ growth. Our business plans are custom built for you and are developed specifically for particular financiers, suited to your business’ needs.
For who?
Established businesses requiring at least R10m in capital for growth
What For?
- Develop, prepare and submit application (including bankable business plan and financial models where required)
- Application facilitation and management
- Claim preparation, submission, facilitation and drawdown
Types of funding?
Determined by the business requirements and available sources of finance, options include (non)traditional and development sources of:
- Debt
- Equity
- Cash Incentives or grants
- Tax Incentives
My contribution?
Between 10% to 90% depending on nature and source of finance as well as the business
Investment required?
B-BBEE level or local participation required?
This may or may not be relevant depending on the location of both the project and the financing party